30 June 2011 Dedan Njoroge
The East Africa Cup community Coach Education System (EACCES) initiative aims to enhance the standardisation, recognition and support for multi-sport community level coach education and development within East Africa sport and development agencies.
The East Africa Cup (EAC), one of the most successful and well known sport and development tournaments in Africa, was used as a platform to support the recognition, training and development of community coaches in the region.
East Africa Cup is held annually in Moshi, Tanzania and incorporates education, culture and life skills development as well as sport activity. This year over 1,300 participants from Zambia, Burundi, Southern Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Uganda took part in the event organised under the theme learning through sports.
The EACCES initiative focuses in part on maximising coach development opportunities at the Cup. However, the main thrust of the project is to establish a coordinated system to recognise, coordinate and support the on-going training and development of community coaches in the region.
The EACCES is not about duplicating existing training, instead it is about highlighting what training is appropriate for coaches with different levels of experience and recognising this across our organisations in East and central Africa.
That’s why the working group conducted a survey during East Africa Cup in Moshi focusing on developing processes and tools that identify player/participant needs and entitlements as well as profiling capabilities that coaches require, follow up and support systems that they need. The results of this survey which sampled players/participants and coaches from 8 participating countries will allow us to recognise good practice but also develop gap areas, not only in training, but the ongoing support and monitoring of our coaches.
EACCES idea was very well received by the East Africa community (players/participants, coaches, leaders, volunteers, directors) which is vital and a promising step for its development within the region.
East Africa Cup primary partners are CHRISC East Africa, MYSA Kenya, NPA Tanzania and KRIK Norway.
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